2010年5月2日 星期日

San Pedro de Atacama 沙漠之旅


位於智利北部的San Pedro de Atacama被譽為世界最乾燥的沙漠.
但在這裡, 你是不會感到寂寞.

從Patagonia, Easter Island返回Santiago後, 感覺總是不自在的.
因為, 在Santiago看不到大自然的美景, 感受不到小鎮風情. 只有如香港般:人多車多污染特別多的大城市.
但從Santiago坐 24小時巴士 到Calama小鎮, 再到San Pedro de Atacama (1.5小時車程). 悠閒安逸的感覺在這裡尋回了.

由於正值秋冬季, 早上及晚上的氣溫約8-10度, 而中午時份的氣溫約28-33度.
而且, 現在是淡季關係, 遊客比較少, 市鎮的氣氛較為寂靜.


大部份外牆有三角形圖案的設計. 以泥黃色作為主要顏色

屋頂鋪上曬乾的蘆薈草, 令屋內的氣溫變成日涼夜暖, 好舒服

San Pedro de Atacama的旅遊景點實在太多. 本想用截順風車的方法環遊景點,但比想象中困難.
因此, 決定參加旅行團---Sol Ndino旅行社, 開始這個奇妙而"豪花"之旅

1)Laguna Cejas, Ojos del Salar y Laguna Tebinquinche 費用是 $10000, 入場費 $1000(學生價)
時間是: 15:00-19:30
在這間旅程, 可以浸鹽浴

飲Pisco Sour




由於多雲關係, 未能看到南美超級Fans--Kennis所說的"如七彩畫版"般的日落.
但粉虹色的晚霞, 亦令人歡喜

2 )Geyser del Tatio + Trekking in Quebrade de Guatin, 費用是 $15000. 入場費 $2000 (學生價),時間是--4:00am至14:00

El Tatio Geyers位於海拔4300米, 是海拔最高的噴泉.
參觀當日, 氣溫除了寒冷外. 竟然下雪!! 白色的地方就是在沙漠中的雪. 實在很神奇.

導遊說: 上次下雪的時間已是四年前了. 今天, 很幸運地看到這種情景.
下雪的原因有: 地殼變動, 地震後遺症, 冷空氣, 厚雲層及蒸氣對流........
因此, 看到的噴泉是很低

而35度的Puritama溫泉亦下降至20-23度. 好冷啊.

在路途上, 可以看到南美草泥馬--Viguna.
Viguna在荒涼的地方生存, 以食Herb維生. 而身後的植物是: Coiron O Paja Brava.是荊棘類植物


正午時份, 參觀了一條小村落: Machuca

在陽光照射下, 平平無奇的山變得色彩艷麗

Trekking in Quebrade de Guatin(鮮人掌)是 Sol Ndino旅行社獨特的路線. 這亦是難忘的1小時之旅.
由於山路歧踞, 必須要步步為營
但看到的景象, 就是如此特別.


Trekking付出的是體能. 換來的是親身感受大自然的魔力

3)Valle de la Luna(月亮谷) 費用是 $5000, 入場費 $1500(學生價)
時間是: 15:00-19:00

因為凹凸的地勢像月球, 因而名為月亮谷. 但絕對是無聊之旅!!

在黃昏時份, 火山噴煙. 與白雲相撞,造成"小旋風"的效果

強烈推薦這次的住宿: El Rincon Hostel. 在Licancabur街.
鄰近巴士站. 屋主親切友善, 十分好客. 住宿費用是$5000 ($10 USD), 雙人房.
Hostel十分乾淨, 周邊環境寧靜. 與其他旅舍比較, 這裡絕對是超值之選.

老闆身後的圖案是Petrolifos, 是古代人簡單的圖晝.好特別!!

這次San Pedro de Atacama之旅, 最開心是: Trekking in Quebrade de Guatin. 認識了友善的旅行社職員及親切的旅舍老闆

即將告別智利之旅. 下一站向玻利維亞進發!!

使費合共: HKD$901.是豪花之旅

11 則留言:

  1. 智利是比較貴,但錢都是用得值用得開心呢.

  2. Shadow, 我先去uyuni,然後在玻利維亞兩個月, 學西班牙文及南美特色樂器Charango.

    南美gathering party預備工作順利嗎??

  3. Wonderful pictures.
    Yay, Bolivia! Salar de Uyuni!!!
    Hong Kong magazine has just featured it last week.
    Get your BN(0) ready.

  4. haha, my friend already scanned to me.
    BNO must ready!!! Salar de Uyuni must be the wounderful SA place.When your plan going to Bolivia??

  5. Originally, my friends in Hong Kong were all excited to go to Bolivia, but there are logistical problems. Expen$ive airfare, not enough time, many people need to apply for BN(O) etc. So they 縮沙 and plan to go to Peru instead. It is so much easily to fly to Lima than La Paz. Hopefully, one day I can go! Please take more photos for your readers. Since Bolivians can visit Hong Kong without visa, I am asking Bolivia to give visa-free access to all Hong Kong people. Haha.

  6. wah, if you can ask visa-free to HK people, you must be a hero of SA lovers. Actually, HK people is not allowed entering without visa, even though you hold BNO. However, Bolivia do not know what the differenece between british passport and BNO.
    So, HK people is 偷雞 enter bolivia. Don't take plane enter to Bolivia, because immagiation rule is strictly in airport.If you want go to bolivai, take bus only!!
    BNO renew price is HKD$1620 (ten years)

  7. 點解d草泥馬同yahoo入面個d咁大分別, 呢d似小鹿斑比多d!!

  8. yat man, you are going to learn charango! so we can play together when we are back to hk!!!!

  9. yat man, one question. in chile usually they only allow local students to have the student fare, do u happen to know is it the same in san pedro de atacama? cos the difference is hugh!

  10. Park Park:
    in San pedro de atacama, they charge me local student price only. if not, entrance fee is very expensive. For example, geyser entrance fee is $5000 (tourist price)

    I ask a tourist, they say a price of Charango about HKD$400, is it available price??
    Moreover, I stay in Bolivia, it is totally different of Chile and Argentina. I belief if you can come to Bolivia, you must have another feeling of SA

  11. for charango, it could be as cheap as 400 but the quality isnt that good. if u want to play it for long and it's a bit more serious about the quality of sound, aim at at least 800 or above.
